Mathias Verraes advises organisations on designing and modelling software for complex environments, including architecture, analysis, testing, and refactoring “unmaintainable” systems. He has worked with clients in Government, Logistics, Mobility, Energy, E-Commerce, and more. He teaches Domain-Driven Design courses and curates the DDD Europe conference. When he’s at home in Kortrijk, Belgium, he helps his two sons build crazy Lego contraptions.
08:30 - 09:00 - Registration
09:00 - 13:00 - Workshop
13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 - 18:00 - Workshop
The design patterns from Domain-Driven Design are gradually entering the collective consciousness of software developers. But most of the information out there focuses on mechanistic implementation details of the patterns: how to make an Entity in [insert favourite programming language], how to use the Repository pattern with [insert new hot ORM], how to make immutable Value Objects in [insert legacy framework]...
Applied individually, these patterns are useful, but are not giving you the full potential of Domain-Driven Design.
This one day training has a different approach. We address technical concerns in implementing the DDD patterns, but the focus is on the underlying principles and heuristics for building great domain-centric object-oriented code.
This workshop, aimed at programmers, is designed to give you immediate benefits when modelling and implementing the most important parts of your codebase.
The workshop is programming-language agnostic. You are expected to have some experience working in an object-oriented language, and have some notions of object-oriented design patterns and principles.